Jewelry designed by Bliss Lau

Bliss Lau


Bliss Lau

Originally being propelled into the world of celebrity and fame courtesy of Beyoncé in 2007, Bliss Lau has since established an unremitting following for her aesthetically beautiful and favorably unprecedented body jewels. Queen B wore the then unheard of Bliss Lau’s body chain in her music video for ‘Drunk in Love’, which opened up the floodgates to a future of success and unstoppable creativity that has witnessed the jewelry brand evolve with innovation and awe-inspiring panache.

Fundamentally inspired by sensuality and structure, the philosophy of Bliss Lau’s artistically indulgent approach to jewelry design is unconsciously embedded in the ethos of jewelry being translated as a physical experience. Throughout the ever embryonic of Bliss’s working craft, she has achieved a sophisticated juxtaposition of divergent affiliations that imbue a conflicting albeit enchanting zeitgeist. These include being bold and delicate, bound and free, organic and linear – all of which collect to adopt the chemistry amongst them to create the fluid and kinetic forms in equal measures.

Bliss Lau was brought up in Honolulu, Hawaii and performed her studies at Parsons, before transitioning to New York City, where the jewelry designer currently hones her craft. Her assortment of inspirations journeys into a unique dichotomy of sources that are frequently drawn upon. The mathematically precise art of M.C Escher, the bold writing of Anais Nin and the stylish aesthetics of the Brooklyn Bridge and Chrysler Building collectively contribute to the creative medium in which Bliss conducts and constructs her passion for body adornment.

An enthusiastic advocate in relation to supporting designers of the future, Bliss has embarked on executing classes and workshops throughout the world to ultimately pioneer and encourage jewelry innovation and style. These have included Centering Your Brand, a completely original course, created in conjunction with co-teacher and brand strategist Jasmine Takanikos, located at Parsons School of Design. Bliss Lau’s jewelry collections have attained much critical acclaim and worldwide media coverage, being exhibited in the pages of many glossy publications.

The City of New York radiates as a reoccurring theme throughout Bliss Lau’s archive of works, reflecting as either a bold element of inspiration or a continual injection running through the label’s bloodstream. In the jewelry designer’s current collection entitled ‘Suspension and Sensation’, she has determined how we transition through and around the city’s iconic landmarks, as opposed to drawing direct inspiration from them. “The systematic grid, the rhythm of the streets and the constant motion of the people have inspired a collection of work that is both subtly controlled and wildly kinetic”, as previously described by a reliable online fashion source. Aesthetically extremely delicate, executed with the finest dexterities, pendants are suspended from long chains, bracelets cup the wrists in architectural shaping’s, earrings echo modern and minimal designs and rings evoke sharp lines that are cool as well as commanding.

Bliss Lau has a unique way of reflecting our contemporary desires into the designs of her jewelry making, constructing simplistic yet statement worthy pieces for the next generation of women, who are passionate, fearless and completely in control of their own lives.

Words by Katie Farley


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