JUST IN XX Fall Winter 2020
દ્વારા શબ્દો: કેટી ફાર્લી

JUST IN XX is a contemporary brand that does not shy away from exceeding the limits of the unknown. Establishing an innovative frontier of both menswear and womenswear fashion, the East creatively collides with the West throughout each collection with a revamped vitality that is visible amid each exceptional design.

Brought to life by Taiwanese native, Justin Yu-Ying Chou, the creative director for JUST IN XX strives to channel the latest innovatively and development within today’s ever-evolving style sphere. Being a pioneering influence in Asia, Chou has additionally accomplished a unique identity throughout the universal fashion world, by exhibiting his designs in New York, Shanghai, Taipei, to mention a few cities.

Championing an individual route amid the industry, JUST INN XX’s Fall Winter 2020 collection entitledDouble Imprint,” draws reference to the works by Tsong Pu, a contemporary artist, whose creations have formed the backdrop of Western postwar minimalism. Pu’s artworks are occupied by matrix structures and can be primarily identified through its bold structural form and sense of liberty inside dynamic geometrical borders.

The amalgamation of old and new viewpoints is Yu-Ying Chou’s key attraction to Pu’s work. The fashion designer has constructed his latest collection using three-dimensional jacquards and applying digital print patterns, which draws direct inspiration to Pu’s utilization of unremitting square matrices.

With the smart and creative arrangement of Pu’s scrupulous attention to form and JUST IN XX’s prevailing abstracted DNA, Chou confidently conveys the idea of mixed-medium fashion that is perfectly illustrated amid each piece in the collection. Sophisticated juxtaposes of gingham and square pockets are united with metal, wool, and edgy PVC fabric. Each look is a reappearance of the timeless wardrobe reconceptualized. ThroughoutDouble Imprint,” original aesthetic and structure with individual attention are applied to conjure a unification of fashion and art, of modern and classic.

The Fall-Winter series additionally celebrates a partnership with the vision of American fashion jewelry label, Fovea Jewellery. Both brands take everyday objects, such as flower pots, iron buckets, and locks, to design utterly unusual and avant-garde accessories. Working with oppositional fusions, Chou reimages a cornucopia of objects, from motorcycle locks to metal chains into ornate pieces, consequently bringing new life into the objects frequently used in Taiwanese life.

Regarding items of footwear, the designer made striking alterations to Converse shoes, where they were modernized entirely with shows exhibited in collections gone by. Not only is a totally original shoe created, but the reworked Converse is an additional effort to pioneer sustainability from the emerging designer.

Delivering a distinguishing and novel episode in JUST IN XX’s fascinating history, Yu-Ying Chou’s Fall Winter 2020 collection conveys a balanced and enthusing assortment of elements to the world of fashion.