
what a wonderful world

live in the open
Canada Goose In Residence with Kimberly DrewWords by Matthew Burgos

Mural by Bianca Nemelc

Artist, Activist and Writer Kimberly Drew

As winter turns to spring in New York City, three artists resurrect the life and vigor of The Big Apple through the Canada Goose Residence program. For this project, the brand has commissioned three artists to curate various murals around its flagship SoHo store in New York City. It has tapped the author, activist, and critic Kimberly Drew to curate the project, her element and guidance remind the participating 藝術家 to set their creative boundaries free. The artists conquer the challenge by fashioning interactive, joyful, and disruptive murals and installations, much like the ambiance and energy of the city they live in. 結果鼓勵任何路過的人 讓人暫時遠離喧囂的藝術品, 固定 他們關注受自然啟發的創作, 並擁抱入口 花開的季節.

德魯告訴布蘭克她感受到的快樂 採取 部分 作為本季策展人的項目. “我很高興有機會與 Canada Goose 合作,突出三位出色的藝術家,並將他們各自獨特的風格帶到紐約街頭. 在一個以藝術和文化而聞名的城市, 任何讓藝術變得更容易接觸的機會對我來說總是一種享受,“ 她說. “我們每位藝術家的表現讓我深受鼓舞 - 冠狀病毒, 比安卡 內梅爾茨, 和獨立 184 - 為項目帶來了自己的風格. 我們不想過度編輯或限制他們的創造潛力, 很高興看到 最終結果.”

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生物與自然交織的情節滲透到藝術家的敘事中: 棕色的人物像地球母親一樣自由地移動; 希望的訊息, 自由, 以及噴漆和霓虹燈顏色的和平; 陽光透過長長的樹葉的皺紋. 這一切都是在藝術​​家和德魯的共同努力下展開的, 對藝術的敬畏和熱愛源於她的成長經歷. “我在一個一直欣賞藝術的家庭中長大. 實際上, 這是我童年時期不可或缺的一部分,因此我一直熱衷於邀請人們以任何方式參與藝術,“ 她說.

Drew realized her desire to work in the art field after what she considers a life-changing internship at The Studio Museum in Harlem. “After completing their program and learning more about the institution's history, I could not imagine dedicating my energy to anything other than working in service of art and artists,“ 她說. For Blanc, she shares her perspectives on the future of the art realm drawn from the impact of the health and political climate in the industry in the past years. “The pandemic, the uprisings, and the conversations thereafter have shifted the way that we all view things. I think in many ways artists need the least permission to dream about the future. In a time when so many of us feel overwhelmed and unclear of what the future may hold, 藝術可以成為構建世界並改變我們對自己可以成為什麼樣的人的看法的空間,“ 她說.

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通過她的策展, 藝術作為討論、社會內涵和問題的傳播者的光輝本質佔據了舞台的中心, 更重要的是通過來自不同背景的藝術家的充滿活力的表達. “老實說,我想不出有什麼理由可以解釋為什麼大品牌和企業不會優先考慮提升和慶祝邊緣化的聲音,” 說 德魯. “如果你想要多元化的客戶群, 您應該與多元化的員工一起工作, 大使, 和創意,將您的品牌推向全球舞台。” 作為先驅者和守護者之一 藝術創意產業, 金伯利 德魯有她的眼睛, 頭腦, 並致力於不斷放大和傳播藝術作品, 人才, 和不同人的技能, 尤其 有色人種和黑人女性藝術家 創意.

COVL 的壁畫