ለወደፊት : ርዕሰ ጉዳይ 10- ሪቻርድ ክዊን


For our Winter Issue, we focus on the Future where we highlight three incredible designers taking the world by storm. ክሪስቶፈር ኬን, ፒየር ሞስ, and Richard Quinn have made their marks on the industry and proven that they are the future of Fashion. In Culture we visit India, Columbia, and Ghana and in our music section we discover Vagabon, the mysterious Poppy and the cooler than cool Black Pumas.

We dedicate this issue to those who would come after us. This is for the life that we are about to unleash onto the world. This is for the friends and family we yet to meet. This is for the future.

Cover Shoot Credits

ፎቶግራፍ ማንሳት – Jesse Laitenen
የፋሽን አርታዒ – ኦሊቨር ቮን
ፀጉር – Regina Meessen
MakeupAnna Payne at CLM Hair & Make-up using Makeup Forever
ModelsDaberechi at IMG Models, Sienna at Tess Management
ማምረት – Sticker Studios
Set DesignerPaulina Piipponen

በብላንክ ሚዲያ የታተመ, INC. © 2019

የህትመት ልቀት።: DEC 2019

SIZE:315ሚሜ x 230 ሚሜ

200 pages

ማድረስ :
Within the next 14 በዩኤስ ውስጥ ወደ ደጃፍዎ ቀናት.
For International shipments email us at info@blancmagazine.com

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