發熱問題 – 韦恩·布斯


The heat we carry within us originated in the fires of creation. Instilled with this warmth from the womb, we keep these embers all our lives. They ignite our first loves, light our happiest moments. They are the pain we feel when we hurt. We stoke them with our passions and shelter them from a world which thirsts for our heat.

Within these pages, you will see the reflections of this heat through the lenses of others. You will feel the sun on your face, and it’s warmth on your skin. May you use this kindling to feed your flames.


由布兰克傳媒出版, 公司. © 2018

蓋 2 攝影師: Nadia Ryder
封面型號: Wayne Booth at Models 1

Wayne is wearing:

外套: Ellery

恤衫: 赫尔穆特·朗

耳環: 吉尔·桑德

印刷版: June 2018

大小:315毫米x 230毫米

200 ..pages

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