ደስ የሚል ጉዳይ 15- የሉዊስ Vuitton ሽፋን


Joy is contagious. When you spread your happiness to others, it doesn’t deplete your supply. Quite the opposite. The pleasure you feel increases when you pass it on to others. Joy replenishes itself as it is shared. To be joyful then is to both give and receive those sweet moments. We can keep them as a balm against our workaday world.

We can always choose Joy.

Cover Shoot Credits


ፎቶግራፍ አንሺ: Teneshia Carr

ስታስቲክስ: ሥራ አሌክሳንደር

Makeup: Anthony Tulve

ፀጉር: Ro Morgan


Jori at New York Models

Amaya and Gianni at One Management

Sera at off Shore Agency

Shwayeh at Muse NYC

Editorial Assistant: Seth-Michael McMillan, Tiana Barksdale

Hair Assistant: KukI Alrawi

Makeup Assistant: Clara Rae

ስታሊስት ረዳት: Jasmine Morles

Casting Dionne Cochrane Casting

All Fashion by Louis Vuitton

በብላንክ ሚዲያ የታተመ, INC. © 2021


SIZE:315ሚሜ x 230 ሚሜ

ማድረስ :
በሚቀጥለው ውስጥ ለማድረስ እዚህ ይዘዙ 14 በዩኤስ ውስጥ ወደ ደጃፍዎ ቀናት.
ለሁሉም አለም አቀፍ መላኪያዎች የእኛን ኦንላይን ይጠቀሙ ቸርቻሪ

ከመጋዘን ተጠናቀቀ
