የአንተ ጉዳይ ቁርጥራጭ 12 TOBE NWIGWE


Pieces of Youis dedicated to love in all forms. We can all do our part to make those around us feel a little more beautiful, a little more loved. We live our lives in this world together, and we are all pieces of a greater whole.

Tobe Nwigwe is receiving a lot of attention because of his independent way of making music which is focused on the black experience. He involves his entire family in his process.

Cover Shoot Credits

ፎቶግራፍ ማንሳት: Justin Stewart

በብላንክ ሚዲያ የታተመ, INC. © 2020

የህትመት ልቀት።: Fall 2020

SIZE:315ሚሜ x 230 ሚሜ

200 pages

ማድረስ :
በሚቀጥለው ውስጥ ለማድረስ እዚህ ይዘዙ 14 በዩኤስ ውስጥ ወደ ደጃፍዎ ቀናት.
ለሁሉም አለም አቀፍ መላኪያዎች የእኛን ኦንላይን ይጠቀሙ ቸርቻሪ

23 ለሽያጭ የቀረበ እቃ
