ዳግም መወለድ : ርዕሰ ጉዳይ 11 – ተጨማሪ


Our lives are rarely a straight line. We hesitate. We jump the gun. We go too far and need to pull back. We wobble. It is in our nature. We may be holding our breath. We may have gone too far, but the Earth will keep turning. The seasons will exhale. What was frozen will melt. What was cold will grow warm. So remind yourself not to focus on your missteps. Don’t worry if you wobble; you’re in good company.

Cover Shoot Credits

ፎቶግራፍ ማንሳት: Masha Mel
የፋሽን አርታዒ: ኦሊቨር ቮን
ንድፍ አዘጋጅ: Madeleine Hunter
ፀጉር: Wilson Fok at Eighteen Management
Makeup: Michelle Webb
ሞዴል: Enam Asiama
Styling Assistant: Ruben Jean

በብላንክ ሚዲያ የታተመ, INC. © 2020

የህትመት ልቀት።: April 2020

SIZE:315ሚሜ x 230 ሚሜ

200 pages

ማድረስ :
Within the next 14 በዩኤስ ውስጥ ወደ ደጃፍዎ ቀናት.
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ከመጋዘን ተጠናቀቀ
