灵魂伴侣问题 16- 塞勒姆米切尔


What true soulmates have in common is that they inspire us to be our best selves. When we meet them, we discover that we can move mountains, enact change in our world, and advocate for what we believe. Our soulmates are the ideal that we seek to emulate. They motivate us by fueling our passions. We recognize our soulmates by how much we miss their presence when we are not with them. They grab the shovels and help us plug the holes in our lives. They are our parents, siblings, friends, and our partners; they are our children. All of those who love us.

Cover Star Salem Mitchell

Photography Samuel Ramirez

Fashion Editor Oliver Vaughn

Hair Lana Hunter

Makeup Heather-Rae Bang

Model Salem Mitchell at Freedom Models

Photography Assistant Sharon Esquivel

Styling Assistant Kendall Spina

由 BLANC MEDIA 出版, 股份有限公司. © 2021

打印版本: Fall

尺寸:315毫米 x 230 毫米

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