Art GISELA MCDANIELHealing through Art Gisela McDaniel Words by Matthew Burgos Images Courtesy of artists and Pilar Corrias Gallery in London One’s journey towards healing may lead them away from the person they were before. The tremors of change shift

Nicolo Canova

METAMORPHOSIS ISSUE 14Nicolò Canova Words by Matthew Burgos Growing up in his household, Nicolò Canova’s parents would chase him around the four corners of their quaint home as the young artist gripped the crayons in his hands, drawing onto the

Yusuke Takahashi

DESIGNER Yusuke Takahashi Words by Matthew Burgos The devotion burrowed in the mind’s threshold nudges one designer in snapshots: while sketching the drafts of his latest collections. Once he has rekindled his readiness to embark on this unknown but familiar

Sheila Nikolin

ARTSheila Nicolin The Joy of Finding Intimacy Words by Matthew BurgosIn ‘Indoor Fever Dream’, a figure with long blue hair and an oversized dark orange sweatshirt sits at the table. On the surface, a vase filled with yellow, orange, I …

Ostatni dolar

MUSICHope TalaIntroduction by Matthew Burgos Interview by Teneshia CarrPhoto CreditCampbell Sofitsi DochertyPlump cherries ice the whipping cream, a ich pluszowa skórka kryje w sobie nieprzezroczysty syrop, który otula kubki smakowe głębią nieodpartej słodyczy. While this imagery

Ryunosuke Okazaki

DESIGNER Ryunosuke Okazaki Words by Matthew Burgos Harmony between nature and human beings steals the limelight, the presence of sewn threads and patterns in fabrics linking the two elements. Aside from one’s identity in nature, Ryunosuke Okazaki rehashes histories, the …

Phum Viphurit

MUSICLover Boy Humble Beginnings Words by Matthew Burgos Discovering the pulp of what one aspires to be ripens as the first step. Then, diving deep into the shrines that make up the groundwork of such a vocation follows suit. The