Мін Сміт

ARTMing Smithwords by Faith Cummings photos by Ackime Snow While she’s gone on to influence photography and the art world at large with her indelible vision that continues to shape how we all see the world around us, Ming

Жасмин Савой Браун

WE SHOULD ALL BE ARTISTS ISSUE 22JASMIN SAVOY BROWNDress by Loewe words by Maddie Hollamon photos by Leeor Wild Jasmine Savoy Brown is a force to be reckoned with in the world of acting; перспективна зірка Голлівуду, she’s

Коко Джонс

WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD ISSUE 18CoCo JonesDress: Розетта Гетті, Ювелірні вироби: Erickson Beamon Words by Shaday Stewart When it comes to artist Courtney “Coco” Jones, фанати зазвичай діляться на два табори: people who’ve been swooning over her soulful voice since her


УЯВІТЬ ВИПУСК 17ЛІЗА КОШІ Слова Шейда Стюарта ВСЯ МОДА DIOR Фантазії голлівудської зірки сьогодні розгортаються зовсім по-іншому. Спитайте 25-річну Лізу Коший, саморобний комік, актриса, і телеведучий, який пішов з безглуздих публікацій …

Шейла Ніколін

ARTSheila Nicolin The Joy of Finding Intimacy Words by Matthew BurgosIn ‘Indoor Fever Dream’, a figure with long blue hair and an oversized dark orange sweatshirt sits at the table. On the surface, a vase filled with yellow, orange, і …

Joshua Bennett

Culture Joshua Bennett Beauty and ValorPhoto by Kathy Ryan Words by Zachary Weg The cover of Dr. Joshua Bennett’s new poetry collection, Owed, shows the artist as a boy, his father cradling him as he eats from a bountiful plate


EXHIBITIONArt4Equality x Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness Words By: Chloe Olewitz Revolutionized Isolation by Osaze StiglerCollective understanding of our purportedly unalienable rights has blanched under the spotlight of a nation that has consistently and selectively alienated them. This week, …