



In the face of the global pandemic, British songstress Cosima embraces her usual hermit mode as it helps her to fulfill her creative pursuits. Within her home and studio walls, she nurses her artistry in producing and writing songs that echo her listeners' stories while comforting her soul.

Growing up in the close-knit community of Peckham, South London, she could overhear intimate narratives commingled with neighborhood sounds. The closeness of homes allowed her to listen to the vacuum running upstairs, the cries and woes of a neighbor downstairs. Accumulating bits and moments of overheard lives has allowed Cosima to take the focus off of herself in her music. Her music resonates well with her listeners. "When I listen to music, 如果我在歌裡看到自己, 那是我被它感動的時候。"

這位女歌手接受《Blanc》雜誌採訪時, 她的說故事充滿了解開謎團的氣息. 對於科西瑪, 藝術不是一個短暫的階段,而是一種賴以生存的實踐. 例如, 她創立了自己的廠牌,並努力繼續創作激發原始和誠實的音樂,從而更深入地進入了這個行業的領域. 當她用喚起她的根源和心靈的藝術來神聖化商業活力時, 一路上參考了朱迪·加蘭和路易斯·阿姆斯特朗, 她沉浸在音樂的療癒泉水中, 將她低沉的聲音傳播到全球化時代的靈丹妙藥.

TC: 過去的一年你有沒有感覺, 隨著社會距離, has it affected how you think about the things you used to do that were just completely normal?

Cosima: It's funny because I've always been a bit of a hermit, so...

TC: Me too. I love it. I'm a recluse. I love being in the house.

Cosima: Same. I think that's really interesting. I'm very much like studio, home, anything that's to do with work and then home because that's just what fulfills me. Making art fulfills me so much that I've never really had that burning need for anything outside of it, which I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing or something I need to speak to my therapist about, probably all of those things. I think it's made me think more about empathy, 看到人們發現所有這些人都必須以某種方式生活很長一段時間,這真的很有趣. 即使去年夏天幾乎每個人都像, 天啊, 像種族主義, 就像那是一件事.

TC: 正確的. 幾十年來我們一直試圖告訴你. 幫助我們!

Cosima: 是的. 所以我不需要我的生活經驗的資訊圖表. 這很有趣, 看到一些人真正覺醒, 即使在英國, 許多兒童生活在貧窮線以下這一事實. 令我震驚的是,這麼多人對此感到驚訝. 在某些方面看到人們釋放出某種類型的同理心, 但隨後以其他方式, 看到完全缺乏它. 所以我想這是我考慮最多的事情.

TC: 今年你的工作流程是怎麼樣的? 您如何改變您的語言或您與人的關係?

Cosima: 我的想法和想法的交流有了很大的進步. 即使您正在與製作人合作, 你不能和任何人坐在一起, 所以你不能坐在某人旁邊,聽上千種聲音來嘗試總結一種感覺. 你必須更直接. 我認為這是我一直在努力解決的問題. 我會像, 感覺像這樣, 或者聽起來應該是這樣, 或者是這樣的事情. 即使有創意, 我必須學會如何將事情提煉成一個句子,在這個句子中你只需準確地說出你想要的東西.

TC: 告訴我你的童年. 是什麼樣子的?

Cosima: 我在倫敦長大, 在我媽媽這邊, 我有一半德國血統, 所以我們也在德國和我媽媽的家人一起度過了很多時間.

TC: 出色地, 你在倫敦長大是什麼感覺?

Cosima: 我在佩卡姆長大, 這是倫敦超級混合的地區. 不知道當時是否享受, 但我認為回顧過去, 我很感激在這裡長大,因為你看到了很多不同的現實. 我想這就是為什麼當人們對一直存在的現實感到震驚時,我總是感到驚訝. 我想你也知道人類情感和人類痛苦的範圍, 但你也看到了核心感受是多麼相似. 只是周圍有很多不同類型的人, 聆聽不同類型的音樂, 但以一種非常個人的方式, because you all live so close together that whatever someone's cleaning to upstairs, you can hear it, and whatever someone's crying to downstairs you can hear that too. It's almost like you're constantly eavesdropping on each other and overhearing parts of people's conversation. I think that's probably influenced me so much as a storyteller.

TC: So what was your first musical memory? Do you remember when you first felt like you loved music?

Cosima: We used to clean the house with my mom on a Sunday, and I remember distinctly there was a Louis Armstrong song that intrigued me because I'd never heard a voice like that. So I think I walked around the house trying to copy whatever sounds he was making. And then it was an Afro-Cuban All-Stars CD as well. When I hear those records, I can smell bleach. 當你聽的時候有特定的音樂, 所以潛意識裡, 太早了, 它只是作為你 DNA 的一部分存在於你體內.

TC: 你什麼時候認為這是我需要做的事情. 我需要創作音樂. 我需要用這種方式表達自己?

Cosima: 當我發現朱迪·加蘭時,我意識到唱歌對我來說是一種釋放,因為我覺得我就像 12 或者 11 我的朋友給了我一張CD, 我記得剛剛聽到她的聲音, 她唱過一首歌叫 (尊敬的先生. 山牆) 你讓我愛你, 事情就是這樣, 我不知道, 她的聲音裡有一些東西會讓你感動. 我記得我總是跟著唱. 然後我就知道唱歌對我來說很特別. 進而, 在我整個青少年時期, 它變得越來越清晰.

當我像 18, 我像, 好的, 我需要這個. 我需要盡可能地這樣做. 這只是我喜歡做的事情. 然後我總是越來越轉向它. 這不是一個職業決定, 更多的是, 我怎麼能達到一天中所有時間都專注於此的地方.

TC: 向布蘭克聽眾介紹您的音樂. 它是什麼樣子的, 當他們聽到它時應該有什麼感覺?

Cosima: 我認為這是非常誠實的, 我認為聲音變化很大, 但我總是盡力在我的聲音和歌詞方面保持盡可能的純粹和誠實. 我希望他們能有感覺,因為我認為你可以將任何東西讀入歌曲中. 我相信人們如何接受歌曲很大程度上取決於他們自己, 較少關注藝術家想表達的內容. When I listen to music, 如果我在歌裡看到自己, 這時候我就被它感動了. 所以我希望他們能感覺到. 大多數時候, 當我和人們談論我的音樂時, 它變得非常情緒化.

TC: 真的?

Cosima: 是的. 是的.

TC: 這種情緒從何而來? 是否來自人生經歷, 或者它只是來自於實際創作的作品?

Cosima: 這絕對來自人生經歷. 有時我希望它來自更抽象的東西,或是當你想像有關事物的故事時. 音樂就像尋找方法來應對生活並尋找方法來慶祝生活,因為可怕的事情可能會發生. 但如果你寫一首關於它的優美歌曲, 就像你已經給了自己, 處於那種情況的你, 一份像這裡一樣的禮物, 這是你的故事. 我已經說過了.

TC: 你能說出一個深刻改變你的時間點或發生在你身上的事嗎?

Cosima: 我覺得我的生活發生了很多變化. 我總是把生活比喻為拳擊. 它是輪流發生的. 我的父親也是拳擊手, 所以我就是這麼想的.

TC: 我也是.

Cosima: 是的, 這就是我對生活的看法. 我覺得這就像圓. 所以我想每一輪之間都會發生變化. 所以你必須趴在地板上哭泣, 這就是我經常做的事情. 然後我進入下一輪. 我正在努力想出一個特定的時刻.... 甚至在決定創辦我的唱片公司並接受自由的挑戰之前.

這是一個很大的變化,因為在那之前有過一些時刻,我想我只是覺得自己處於一個無法擺脫的角落. 當我走投無路的時候,通常就是我懂的時候.

TC: 為什麼創辦自己的唱片公司?

Cosima: 每個藝術家都有不同的適合他們的公式. 我認為你必須在內心深處知道什麼對你特別有效. 我一直是一個選擇自由做自己的人,而不是在沒有這種自由的情況下的舒適. 我是音樂家, 我放出音樂, 一切都與商業密切相關. 但對我來說, 第一商業可行性不是我的首要任務. 我的首要任務是將藝術帶入我引以為傲的世界. 它是如此個性化,我只想擁有它. 是的. 那, 為我, 是最重要的事情, 只是擁有我的藝術,甚至不是出於經濟原因, 只是出於藝術原因.

無論好壞,我都是藝術家, 我猜.

TC: 你的音樂影響力有哪些?

Cosima: 很多, I'm so bad at listing them because I would just go on forever and ever. The most formative ones, 我猜, or singers like Nancy Wilson, obviously Judy Garland, Barbara Streisand, Sammy Davis, Jr. Just anyone that communicates feeling because I think that's always been one thing, I love when someone is technically amazing, but for me, what moves me is if they're technically amazing and they really communicate a feeling, or if they just communicate emotion with the tools that they have. If that's like two notes of a range and they can communicate emotion with that, that inspires me.

TC: Tell me about your new music.

Cosima: It's very personal. And it's a body of work that's like me saying farewell to a time and it's called The Fun Is Here? But with a question mark, because it's about the constant search for happiness outside of yourself. And of course, you never find that because you can't find happiness somewhere else. You have to figure out what's going on inside. And the project is about me trying to figure that out.

TC: What kind of artist do you hope to be in 10 年?

Cosima: 在 10 年, I hope to be the kind of artist who can look around and maybe just know that the music I've made has moved people. Some artists I have in my life that I've looked up to where I've heard a song by them and just because I've heard that song, I want to go and write a song, or I want to make music, or I want to go and revisit what I do and make it better. And I think those are the artists who didn't have to touch everyone in the world, 但他們接觸過的人, 他們激發他們的行動, 這就是我想成為的藝術家.


馬克西姆 卡多爾




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