Singer Julia Jacklin

Julia Jäcklin


Don't Know How to Keep Loving You

Julia Jäcklin

Words by Martin Colino

"Don't Know How to Keep Loving You," from the sophomore album "Crushing" by Julia Jacklin, is one of our favorite songs of the past year. The Australian indy-folk singer-songwriter weaves powerfully personal lyrics with a soft, sensual voice. Unadorned by autotune or reverb effects, Julia's singing has an honest and naked quality that grabs your attention and doesn't let go. The smooth drums and softly strummed guitar serve to push her voice front and center, where it shines.

"What if I cleaned up? What if I worked on my skin? I could scrub until I am red, hot, weak, and thin. Too tired to run away. What do I do now? There's nothing left to say. Don't know how to keep loving you, now that I know you so well."

Julias emotionale und herzliche Texte sprechen jeden an, der schwere Zeiten in einer Beziehung durchgemacht hat oder das Gefühl hatte, dass er mehr verdient als das, was er erhalten hat. Es ist die Art krasses Trennungslied, das Lust macht, das eigene Leben neu zu bewerten, Bring den Müll raus, und begeben Sie sich auf ein Roadtrip-Abenteuer nach der Beziehung.





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