Fall Apart
Merci, Mercy

Words by Martin Colino
Australian singer-songwriter merci, mercy releases her second single today via Liberation Records. The toe-tapping song weaves introspective and complex lyrics through a catchy pop track. Blanc asked the 19-year-old artist about her latest release and her artistic process.
Is there someone who was the inspiration for Fall Apart?
Not any one artist in particular, I was listening to a lot of lovey dovey songs at the time and it made me wonder what it might be like to feel that kind of love. I realised my cynical mind often stopped me from starting relationships.
What do you like to do to relax?
Lately I've been talking to my roommate Bec about the stresses of her job now that she's working at home everyday. I still don't understand what she does but whatever it is, it's good to listen to because what relaxes me is to hear what is going on in other people's lives. It's a distraction to my own reality. I also find whenever I am feeling anxious hanging out with my nephew and niece always makes me feel like I am unstoppable and calm. I love them so much and I'm so grateful my sister met her husband and had such two beautiful and amazing kids.
Do you have any pre-performance rituals?
Well I've only played 4 shows but one of my family members always buys me a cocktail at some point in the night so maybe I'll make a cocktail from whatever venue I play in my ritual.
What do you wish came easier for you, and why?
I wish happiness came easy to me, I wish I didn't feel a dark sadness whenever I try to feel happy. I just hope one day I'll let myself be happy for once, and really enjoy life.
Could you describe your songwriting process?
I take what I'm feeling in the moment and work with that. Usually an idea forms from a feeling or recent experience, I pick up my ukulele and put some ideas together. I’ll then take it into the studio and flesh it out.
How has living abroad in China and Thailand shaped your outlook today?
It was awesome, living abroad is equal parts crazy and fun but I most appreciate that it taught me how big the world really is.