Emporio Armani ወደ ሶሆ ይመለሳል

fashionEmporio Armani returns to SohoImage Courtesy of Emporio ArmaniEmporio Armani returns to Soho with a new store at 134 Spring Street in the heart of the historic Cast Iron District, over two decades after it first opened on West Broadway

አሌሳንድሮ ሚሼል Gucciን ተወው።

fashionalessandro micheleLeaves Gucci Words By: sharon edelsonImage Courtesy of GucciThere must be nary a dry eye at Kering today. ይልቁንም, የቅንጦት ግዙፉ ያለ የገንዘብ ላም ዲዛይነር እና የፈጠራ ዳይሬክተር እገዛ የወደፊቱን እያሰላሰለ ነው።, አሌክሳንደር ሚካኤል, የአለም ጤና ድርጅት …