Chelsea Wolfe – After The Fall 


Never Let You Go

Enveloping us in an ethereal composition, Chelsea Wolfe reinvigorates our minds with her erratic yet sensual masterpiece ‘After The Fall’. Confiding in us with verse after verse of effortlessly smooth, soothing vocals, before disrupting sweet musical serenity with bone crunching synths that reverberate with an apocalyptic aggression that manages to dwarf the production of some of the world’s best contemporary electronica.  Teetering for a brief moment on a break of mechanical footsteps, as if to build momentum while regaining her balance, before releasing burst after burst of sonic live rounds deep into our cores. Enrapturing us with the final blow of her acoustic marvel. If this latest release is anything to go by, we can only help but foresee Wolfe’s masterful offerings dominating the playlists of Generation-Y in the not so distant future! 

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